The Operator is a short film, directed by Caroline Bartleet. This suspenseful 6 minute film focuses on an emergency services operator, and her efforts in saving a mother and her son from a fire inside their home. The film's based on a real 999 phone call that Bartleet responded to. The cinematography of the film appears to be quite simple, consisting only of a few shots. All the shots are inside of the operating room, mainly focusing on the operators face. These close up shots of the operator help to add intensity to the shot, as a more intimate relationship is created between her and the viewer. While there is a use of minimal shots, this decision was vital to create an extremely tense offscream space. This is emphasised through the use of sound. The intense sounds coming from the call from the background and the performance of Gemma juxtapose the simplicity of the cinematography, allowing the viewer to focus on ly on the call and Laura. Both the performan...